UNDE625 Events 2019-20

00625 News

Upcoming Events

24Oct2019 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Accountability and Confidentiality (Deferred to Dec)
Executive Committee meetings ( Cancelled)
Finance Committee (rescheduled with Auditors)

7Nov2019 11:30-13:30@ Dennison and remote sites
Annual General Membership Meeting
Officer reports/Financial Statement/UNDE Guest address
Election Treasurer, Correspondence Secretary, Auditors
By-Election Chief Steward

11Nov2019 10:00-12:00 @ Wilson Legion
Remembrance Day Observance

12Dec2019 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Rules of Order, Motions of Record and Standing Orders
Grievance and Executive Committee meetings

16Jan2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Duty to Represent
Membership, Bargaining Committee meetings

13Feb2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Equity and Inclusion ( Black History Month Observance)
Action and Executive Committee meetings

12Mar202011:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: General Safety and the CLC part II
JOSH, Grievance and  Recreation & Welfare committee meetings

16Apr2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Proudly Serving Canadians
Finance, Executive Committee meetings

1May2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
General Membership Meeting
Officer Reports, Financial Update,

11Jun2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Building Unit Cohesion
Steward , Executive Committee meetings

16Jul2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Right to Inform
Bargaining, JOSH Committee meetings

13Aug2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Social Justice
Action, Executive Committee meetings

7Sep2020 9AM-11:30 starting @ Dundas & University to CNE Dufferin Gates
Labour Day Parade

10Sep2020 11:30-13:30 @ Dennison and remote sites
Orientation: Union Benefits, Dues and the Rand Formula
Membership, Steward, and  Recreation & Welfare committee meetings