We represent the civilian staff that support Canada’s National Defence. Our union consists of a wide variety of professions, such as labourers, trades, technicians, administrative personnel, ship's crews, computer programmers and more.

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Members to vote on potential settlement to end strike

Our PSAC-UNDE bargaining teams are bringing a potential settlement to a vote for NPF members to resolve outstanding bargaining issues with Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services. The settlement offer, if ratified by members, would bring an end to the strike for our more than 500 members in Bagotville, Kingston, Montreal–St-Jean, Ottawa, Petawawa, and Valcartier that began January 15.

The settlement provides increases of 4.6% per year totaling 13.75% — compounded to 14.5% — over the duration of the agreement, which would expire in 2025.

The settlement also includes a commitment to consult with the union on the implementation of a single national job classification for all jobs, with an objective of negotiating revised rates of pay in future collective agreements.

Members will remain on strike while ratification votes are held for members at bases in Ontario and Quebec.

NPF Ratification Kit

Summary of the settlement

Here is the effect of the cumulative wage increase on the average NPF member’s salary of $42,500:


   Year of the agreement20222022*20232023**20242024***
Increase to rates of pay3.50%2.50%3.00%1.75%2.00%1.00%
Cumulative wage increase(compounded)3.5%6.1%9.3%11.2%13.4%14.5%
Average increase ($)$1,488$2,587$3,940$4,752$5,698$6,180
Salary  $43,988$45,087$46,440$47,252$48,198$48,680


A compounded 14.5% wage increase would add on average of $6,180 to the average NPF member’s base salary by the end of 2024.

* The compounded 6% increase in 2022 is made up of a 3.5% general economic increase as well as an additional 2.5% wage adjustment that compounds the economic increase.
** The compounded 4.75% increase in 2023 is made up of a 3% general economic increase as well as an additional 1.75% wage adjustment that compounds the economic increase.
*** The compounded 3% increase in 2024 is made up of a 2% general economic increase as well as an additional 1% wage adjustment that compounds the economic increase.

Other improvements include:

• An increase to the overtime meal reimbursement, from $13 to $20;
• Increases to various leave banks, including two additional personal days;
• Improvements to allow both vacation and sick leave to be taken in hourly increments;
• A new compensatory leave bank and provision to compensate overtime, without employer approval, in equivalent leave with pay;
• And, the inclusion of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a paid holiday.

See a full explanation of the settlement in the ratification kit:

NPF Ratification Kit

Ratification vote information
Ratification votes will be held in person for each bargaining unit, and a full vote schedule will be announced shortly.

All PSAC-UNDE members in good standing working for CFMWS in Bagotville, Kingston, Montreal–St-Jean, Ottawa, Petawawa, and Valcartier will be invited to participate.

If you are not currently a union member — also known as a RAND because you’ve never signed a union card — please sign an electronic membership card or speak to your PSAC regional representative to ensure you are eligible to vote. If you are no longer a member in good standing, please request that your status as a PSAC member in good standing be reinstated or maintained.

PLEASE NOTE: All members will be required to attend a mandatory information session, and then will have the opportunity to cast their vote for their respective bargaining unit. A short optional Q&A session will be available for members following the information session.

Ratification is an essential part of the bargaining process. If you have any questions about the ratification process, please reach out to your PSAC regional office for more information.


Public Service Alliance of Canada
233 Gilmour Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0P1

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    We truly regret to hear that you are experiencing pay issues because of the Government of Canada’s catastrophic pay system transformation. It is unacceptable that you are experiencing this negative impact on your pay. The accuracy of your pay and resolution of any pay issues is the sole responsibility of the Department of National Defence. As a first step you should contact the HR Connect by telephone on 1-833-747-6363. YOU MUST REQUEST A PAY ISSUE CONSULTATION YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WITHIN 5 BUSINESS DAYS TO SET UP AN INITIAL APPT HR Connect has a dedicated team to assist you in understanding your pay issues, to act as a liaison/advocate with the Phoenix Pay Center and to follow up on your case until it is resolved. NOTE: If you are a retiree, you too can access the services of HR Connect. DND continues to have a responsibility to you after you have left the Department. DND remains responsible for ensuring a positive transition to retirement as it relates to your pay and pension. It is important that DND be aware of your pay issues as a first point of contact as they are taking their responsibility for your pay seriously and have dedicated significant resources to accomplish this. If after you have contacted the HR Connect team and are still unable to resolve your pay issue you are strongly encouraged to contact UNDE again at payissues@unde.org and we will escalate your pay issue(s) to the DND Compensation team who have other resources to expedite the issue. NOTE: For pay file triage, the files are reviewed in the current order, both at the Pay Centre and in the Federal Gov’t Departments. Category 1: No Pay Category 2: Dollar value threshold Category 3: Termination with Severance Category 4: Non-active employees Category 5: Length of time
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